{Unlimited Kshop} Unlimited KShop: How to Order


How to Order

We are new. But please, trust us. Sorry if it takes a long time for us to respond to you. If you are interested to buy our product, just fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.

For those who have facebook account
1. PM us these details (pm here) ;
Full Name:
IC Number:
Email Address:
Shipping Address:
HP Number:
Name of item:
Link of item:
2. If you want to order more than one item, just copy and paste these details under other details.
Name of item:
Link of item:
3. We'll reply to you our bank account number.
4. Bank in before the current batch closed.
5. After banked in please make sure you have your receipt/slip (payment proof) with you.
6. Scan/Take a picture of your payment proof and send them to us.
7. Wait for the current batch closed. After your items arrived to my house, I'll send them to you.
8. Once they arrived, kindly tell us. If possible, give the picture of your arrived item.

*notes: please make sure all steps are done. especially step 6&7. If not we'll assume you haven't paid yet

Our postage rate:

For other question, you can contact us through:

4. Wechat: Id: unlimitedkshop

State your size (if you're buying a tshirt) after the item code.
Example: TS01 (S).
State your chosen member if the code of each member is not provided.
          Example: JDP015 (Tao)

Thank you.